
  • Be free to work when you want, without bureaucracy

No boss/ no work constraints, no invoicing/ logistics hassle (sales & delivery handled directly to customer)

  • Enjoy to be creative and build relationships

Just have a drink in the creative venues with the people you like and pitch them to try Nymfête. Once joining us, you get the best absinthe at an exclusive rate

  • Earn a living without middle-men

No unfair competition from any organized trade intermediary: you and your customers directly get the benefits, you are rewarded on each sale resulting from your visit

Key qualifications

  • Soft skills: artistic sensitivity/ creative, knows how to build relationships and induce buying new beverages.
  • Hard skills: desirable bar or brand ambassador experience, English or Portuguese as a must

Please note:

- this is an independent function, meaning we work with everyone as his own boss (in Portugal: empresa en nome individual) and you get a commission for each single bottle your customer would buy. Again, delivery or invoicing hassle are not your concern.

- there is no sex or age discrimination


How it works if retained 

From any order made:

1. Tempt anyone to try and buy at least one bottle of Nymfete

2. Once we get the order with the payment from the customer, you are directly credited of a fair amount for each bottle sold once the order is delivered.

Key support

Knowing this can be difficult to start as well as with limited quantities on first order you may get:

1. To incentivize customers to buy thanks to you, we will send them the serving glassware and/ or an absinthe fountain for the first 6-btl carton purchased once getting their order

2. We may also finance the outlet happy hours upon prior agreement and proper documentation

3. To increase further your sales, feed our Insta page with your outlets details if you are a customer or to those you are selling to get further visibility, as well as receive our POS visibility tools and iconic cocktail recipes available upon request

In a nutshell

- Be free to work when you want, without bureaucracy

- Enjoy to be creative and build relationships

- Earn a living without middle-men


Contact for further information

Please either find us through XDiL on Linkedin, or through our manufacture in France, or contact us by email to get in touch about distribution in your city.